[Artist-in-residence] Woong Moong

Resident: Woong Moong

Project Name: Wish Away!! 

“Let's assist them! Even girls from other planets can't withstand the supernatural force in this location.

Before everything in this world is lost forever.” was a succinct introduction by Woong Mong. 

Until date, the artist has collaborated with the Nang Loeng community whenever something significant occurs in the community.

Something that is too big to ignore

Something that must be confronted that is unexpected.

It is something to impede the expansion of both public places and community development work that focuses on developing from the mental level. It is something that is tough to protect and fight.

lower our morale and progressively reduce the significance of the community

Allow it to be a minor element rather than the societal force it formerly was.

Regrettably, the "Baworn" idea is no longer fantastic.

It is no longer applicable to the Nang Loeng community and has turned into the year's most pitiful theory.

Whether the prosperity was staffed or not has little effect on how engaged the community is.

Art is always more compelling when the issue is more serious.

and once more, the community uses art to communicate the problem in such a powerful way.

From a gentle and adorable activity

FREE HUG from the past... To Wish Away! Get It Away!