Buffalo Field Festival I

Nang Loeng is a long-standing community in the Old Town of Bangkok, an important node of exchange with over a century of history. The name “Buffalo Field” is derived from Nang Loeng’s previous name—Sanam Kwai or ‘field of buffalos’ due to the prevalence of buffalos in the area. Our 'Buffalo Field' recalls the history of Nang Loeng, with the original forces of life that created this place, and with the intention to awaken the spirit of local people and their culture. We work closely with the community so that our creative work may reflect what is special about this place.

Buffalo Field is a community-based performing arts festival that focuses on site-specificity and social practice in the historic area of Nang Loeng, Bangkok. The festival is produced by Openspace, as a collaboration between co-founders Michael Hornblow (Artistic Director), Ploy Yamtree (Festival Producer), and Nang Loeng community leaders Dang Sue Welployngam and Nammon Welployngam from the E-Lerng group.